Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The 2nd Wettest Spring in 117 Years

I made a little progress on "Bluebird Alphabet".  I had to frog out the "N" to get it the appropriate color, but now all is good.  About eight more letters to go. (Now I know my ABC's!) 

It's Tuesday.  Time to join the Garden Party at An Oregon Cottage. 
Let's start off with a Garden Grumble! 

This Spring in Oregon has truly been one for the record books.  "The Oregonian" reported that this was the second wettest Spring in 117 years of record keeping, and The National Climatic Data Center figures showed that it was the fifth-coldest spring.

That said, what I've noticed is that the flowers (both wild and hybridized) are about three weeks behind a "Normal" year.  Thus we are still enjoying Memorial Day Peonies as the Wild Roses begin to bloom. 

I can't complain about my Back Patio plants! 

Everything has settled in nicely. 

I'm loving some of my many sedum combinations. 

I got these planters at 50% off about three years ago.

I think the color sets off the sedums perfectly. 

This is a study in Blue/Gray!

One of the downsides of gardening in pots, is the frequent hand-watering.  But with this cooler, wetter weather, I've gotten by with once or twice a week.  Today it is supposed to be in the mid-80's - the heat will be a shock to the plants (and to me!).  So I'm off give everything a good watering. 


  1. Lovely stitching! We had an extremely wet cool spring a few years ago and it was the best gardening year that early summer and as you said plants were 2 or 3 weeks behind in bloom but they were so lush and beautiful! So there is an up side to the weather you are having!

  2. Nice progress on Bluebird Alphabet...I just love that design!

    We have had a very dry then very wet spring here in Virginia. I guess mother nature can't make up her mind!

    Thanks for sharing the lovely flower and plant pics!

  3. Too much rain makes for an interesting garden experience. Some of our seeds were totally washed away. Now we have too much heat...just crossing my fingers.

  4. It is really starting to heat up around here...I do not look forward to it! I like the cool spring days. Your project is coming along nicely...love the colors!

  5. Your containers are gorgeous; the whole grouping together of them is lovely!

  6. ohhh its looking lovely :) and beautiful containers with you plants in :) I do love looking at your garden :) love mouse xxx

  7. great pictures!!! looks good!
    hey we got up to 81 today! its a record!hahaha my plants turned their faces and soaked in the sun!

  8. Hope things dry out for you soon, Beth!! Love your sampler progress and those potted sedums are gorgeous. I would imagine they would be much happier with dryer, warmer weather, too :)


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