Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ready for Another Planting Year

Oh my tired, aching, sunburned body!
The Power Washing Frenzy is over and I have the scars to prove it!

Front Porch and Brick Walkway - all neat and tidy and clean!
This will probably act as my "Before" picture - as I'm going to transform it with a hundred or so potted plants...  

While some of us toiled away yesterday, some of us kicked back and enjoyed the sunny day in a more relaxed fashion. 

The Back Patio and attendant Walkways - all shiny clean.  There is great satisfaction (and aching backs) with a Job Well Done! 

And most importantly, it met with the Tom-Cat Seal of Approval!
Today is a gray day - but no rain yet - off to breakfast and the Saturday Farmers' Market.  Then I should empty out my little Greenhouse and maybe pot up a plant or two.  Hope you have plans which will allow you to enjoy the weekend! 


  1. I love your front porch and walk way...that does look like it calls for a pot or it is cool here...rain tomorrow they are saying...but here where I live...we love the rain...because we don't get enough!

  2. What a lovely home - can't wait to see it with all the flowers! Kitty certainly had the right idea, though; hope you can rest now, after all your hard work.

  3. Your newly powerwashed home and patios look lovely--want to come do mine for me :)

    Can't wait to see a photo fo the patio filled with flower pots!

  4. It looks great! Now to enjoy your hard work :)


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