Friday, May 6, 2011

Fair Daffodils, Fat Bunnies, and Pudgy Chipmunks

Each finish is then followed by a start.  I'm trying to not obsess with the fact that I am starting my April project in May...this whole stitching projects for 2011 thing is supposed to be fun, right?  Not a burden!  Anyway, up next "Fair Daffodil" by BBD.  Ironically it incorporates two of my banes - very dark fabric, and stitching over one.  Can I pick 'em or what?    

I was going to post some photos of my planting progress, but they've been superseded by some rather good (if I do say so myself) nature photos.

When the Goldfinches land in a fir tree, it is as though the tree is decorated for Christmas.

Two plump bunnies munching in the morning dew.

Mr. California Quail is on High Alert.

Chip says, "It's breakfast time!"

Bunnykins agrees!

And Buck Rogers notes, "I found the All You Can Eat Salad Bar!"


  1. Bunnykins is just adorable! Such great pictures of all the cute animals. Can't wait to see the stitch over one thing. I don't think my eyes could even see the fabric that small. :)

  2. Lovely photos, my favourite is the quail. You've captured it perfectly.

  3. Those are some fat bunnies! The ones who live near me are so much thinner! I think you must have better muchies up there!

    Also...I like the March Bouquet alot...and have I ever mentioned how much I love your headers...wonderful!

  4. What beautiful nature pictures, Thank you for sharing them.

  5. ooo your new start looks lovely :0 and don't stress over them ok :) photos are gorgeous as ever :) love mouse xxxx

  6. Oh that BBD looks wonderful. You sure know how to pick them. Love your nature pics -- such cute critters!

  7. I want to move next to you to watch the wildlife !!! I love the BBD project up next!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.