Monday, May 9, 2011

April Showers Bring May Flowers

I was going to work on "Fair Daffodil", but just as I picked it up, my sister called me in to provide Tech Support for her that put paid to that idea!  I did stitch a bit more on "Cluck, Cluck", so that will have to suffice for today.

"April Showers bring May Flowers..."
If this is the reward for a few rainy days, who can complain?  I thought the flowers at the Farmers' Market on Saturday were especially lovely in anticipation of Mother's Day on Sunday .

Fuchsias, and Tulips, and Lilies, and Peonies, and still more Tulips. 
What a delight!  As someone who is addicted to was a feast for the senses.  

"Buggy Crazy" - a Native Plant vendor was back at the market.  I so admire his ability to propagate - just look at this flat of Shooting Stars!


  1. That's a lovely fuschia with double headed flowers.

  2. Stunning flower photos. The colors are so vivid!

  3. I've never seen the shooting stars before...they are wonderful!

  4. Nice stitching progress!

    I love the flower photos. The city where I'm from always does a big flower market the first weekend in May. I miss seeing all the different flowers and plants.


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