Sunday, April 17, 2011

What's With the Weather?

Yesterday it poured - I mean poured!  The day was grey and wet - much more like January than mid-April.  The rain gauge had topped out at 11/2" by 3:00pm. What a wonderful day to have a garage sale! I should not complain as at least Spring does not equal tornadoes in this part of the world.  Still, I was surprised at the number of people who decided to spend part of their day dodging puddles and rivulets to come to the sale.  

I call this my "Six Pack".  I liked several of the new Dames of a Needle designs.  And I enjoy the almost instant gratification of "smalls".  I'm always up for stitching a primitive-style peacock...  

But even grey, rainy days can't hide the fact that Spring is here!
I think my muscari are going to be wonderful in a couple of weeks.

Blue and yellow - is there a better plant combination? 


  1. You're so right, blue and yellow always look good together.

  2. oo love the smalls you got very nice :) blue and yellow pots look wonderful :) and rain never stops me from getting a bargain hehehe love mouse xxxx

  3. I love the new stash! The blue & yellow flowers are great together. I love that combo almost as much as I love red and white!

  4. I love your six-pack of smalls! Yummy stash enhancement!!! :)


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