Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Further Signs of Spring

It's beginning to look alot like a bunny!

I thought I'd finish up "A Bunny and a Flower" yesterday...
Almost, but not quite.  This came as a kit with fabric and floss which was great...but...my pet-peeve with kits - not enough floss!
Fortunately I caught this early on and had nice skeins of WDW's Chestnut and Oak in my stash - otherwise I'd be one mad/frustrated stitcher.  As you know the dye lots are so very different from one another - using two different lots would have been embarrassingly apparent.

For The Tuesday Garden Party I thought I'd share some of the plants on our property and in town.

Walking to basketball game Friday, I passed this Viburnum - oh yum - the smell was glorious! 

Matthew Knight Arena had this nice planting of Tete-a-tete daffodils.

At home...

This Acer palmatum looks dormant...

But upon closer examination, it is starting to leave out.

With 12-18 varieties of daffodils, we have such a nice long display. 

The first begin to bloom in early March, and depending on the weather, we can still have blooms in late April. The yellow stakes have the variety name in indelible ink.

Mr. Turkey Vulture - truly - another sign of Spring in this part of the world!  


  1. What a beautiful flower the vibirnum is - it looks like a gorgeous pompom.

  2. Barb @ A Life in BalanceApril 5, 2011 at 7:55 AM

    The viburnum is beautiful! How does it smell?

    We only have daffodils, hyacinths, and currants blooming right now. I can't wait to see more blooms and more green!

  3. Love that vibirnum - so pretty! The bunny is looking good. I know what you mean about kits being short on floss. Once it happens to you, you vow to never let it happen again.

    thanks for telling me the name of my Sunday sampler - Meg's Bunny- oh I like that! take care

  4. I stitched this last year and ran into the same problem with not enough floss in the kit. I tried to call the company to complain and evidently, Stone & Thread is no longer....sad, they had some cute charts.

  5. Vibirnum.... I learn a new word every day! ;) What a gorgeous flower! Of course, I always love daffodils. Lovely work on the stitching!

  6. I have admired your cross stitch over the past year or so. A friend just gave me a HUGE stash of cross stitch supples, so much I am going to open an Etsy store once I get it inventoried. She used to design patterns, bu she developed eye problems and cannot cross stitch anymore.

  7. Your bunny is darling, and your flowers beautiful. I wish we had put some markers out when we did some of our planting. This old brain can't remember half of the varieties anymore.

  8. That turkey vulture looks gigantic in that photo!


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