Thursday, April 14, 2011

Buttons and Cute as a Button!

First off thanks so much for all the wonderful compliments and encouraging words on both my "Alphabet Sampler" finish and my recent "Nature" pics.  It humbles me time and again how generous and supportive the cross stitch blogging community can be.  I thank-you and my many backyard birds thank you too! 

Sometimes the answer to "Why?" is... 

"Just Because"...

or, "I think someone was calling my name"...

or, "It's a compulsion"...

or "Why Not!?!?"...

or "I'm addicted to color, alright!"

So, I have no immediate use for any of these many mini-buttons.  But hey, there's a reason for the saying "Cute as a Button", and these buttons are pretty darned cute! 

Speaking of pretty darned cute!
Isn't he just the cutest thing ever?

And every time I get down on the fact that we do not have Cardinals in this part of the world, I am forced once again to re-look at our Steller's Jays who are pretty magnificent in their own right.

Bunny agrees...

The blues of a Steller are unmatched!


  1. The bottom photo of the Steller is stunning. I just had to show it to my mum and my son as soon as I saw it.

  2. The buttons are cute! I can't resist small buttons.

    The Stellar is fantastic, we don't have anything like in the UK, the nearest for colour would be a Kingfisher.

  3. oooooooooo buttonnnssssss .. I like :) pictures are gorgeous as ever especially the bottom one of the steller.. I've had Mr n Mrs quackers in my back garden today and managed to get a photo yippeee .. hopefully on my blog later :) love mouse xxxx

  4. I don't think that you answered the most important question about the buttons: Where? As in, where are they from. You can't just enable part way. ;)

  5. Totally mesmerized by the buttons. *drool*


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.