Sunday, April 10, 2011

Are You Looking At Me?

I managed a bit of stitching Saturday afternoon on "Bouquet for March".  Got another cyclamen blossom finished up.  The colors are so very pretty - I already know that this one will be a keeper!

Everyone seems a bit confrontational today! 

What?  Can't a guy have breakfast in peace?
Enough already!  It isn't Easter yet! 

I don't talk with my mouth full - it isn't polite!

You lookin' at me? Huh?


  1. That's going to be such a pretty finish. And those grumpy animals - don't they know it's a beautiful Sunday morning?!

  2. have enjoyed watching your piece develope. Is your stitch nook set up next to a window from which you view these gorgeous animals?

  3. Beth, I always enjoy your posts. I love that you share your stitching and the amazing array of wildlife around your home.

    What lovely projects you have going! Bouquet for March is looking lovelier ever time I see it. You're right, the colors are very pretty. I've also been watching your progress on Alphabet Sampler as BoaF are one of my fav designers. Happy Stitching!

  4. I love the markings on the fellow in the bottom photo - very bonnie bird.

  5. Beautiful. nature is always nice to photograph and stitch :-)

  6. I do so love the colours in your WIP...beautiful pinks! Your animals are cute as always!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.