Monday, March 14, 2011

Oh So Close!

Oh so close is right!  Finish up a couple of hearts, finish up the border on the left and right, stitch five more letters.... "Twin Hearts" is oh so close! 

We had quite the windstorm / rainstorm yesterday.
Early in the morning it was all about the warm front and temperatures were in the mid to upper 60's(F). The winds picked up around noon - noisy and gusting strongly.  By 2:15pm the temperature had dropped 20 degrees and the rain arrived.  We got 0.7" in just a couple of hours - sheets of rain - blowing sideways in the storm.  The first wave passed about 5:30pm, the around 8:00pm the wind and rain returned for a second go-around!  Several 1000 homes are now without power and dozens of large trees - mostly shallow-rooted conifers - have uprooted with damage to some homes.  We were fortunate - our power flickered but never went out and all our trees have escaped harm. 

When I went outside in the calm of the early morning, I spied about eight skeins of geese - honking as they headed North...escaping the coming storm?

The Junco watched as I set out food...

As did these two characters - the fawn on the right is watching Parvati - one of our cats.  The fawns are endlessly fascinated by the cats and will go literally nose-to-nose in an effort to achieve close observation.   

The female quail found the perfect blackberry cane to use as her perch.


  1. I love when I am lucky enough to see geese fly over, I think it's special every time I see it. (Have you watched Fly Away Home)?

  2. Nice progress! Your wildlife photos are fantastic, as always!

    I'm glad you didn't have any property damage from the storm. It's nice to hunker down and stitch when those kind of storms hit.


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