Sunday, March 20, 2011

Everything Blooms in its Own Time

A bit more work on Cedar Hill's "March Bouquet" last night.
A few more letters and some small leaves. 
A quick, very straight-forward stitch thus far!
I do like how representative the March Bouquet is for this part of the world!
Both cyclamens and violets and March bastions. 

On the gardening front the weather has been wet and cold.  Saturday morning all the birdbaths had a sheet of ice that I had to break.
I've been wanting to take photos of my crocus, but with cold weather, and gray skies, they've not opened up any further.
But some of the daffodils are undeterred! 

This is Segovia - a small narcissus - about 8" tall.

I can see this clump out my Craft room computer window.
They bloom for several weeks.

My Mom and sister have planted several different varieties so that we end up with blooming daffodils from late February through mid-April or so, 

This is a clump of wild iris - it will bloom in May.

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