Thursday, March 3, 2011

Banish Gray Days

This is a rather sorry progress report - in part because there has been little progress.  I've been in a stitching funk the last couple of weeks - and my two "Big" projects have had no appeal.  But last night I worked on "Alphabet Sampler" a bit - I started one of the two birds (bottom left).  It's crazy as I really do not have all that much left to stitch, and then it would be done, but day after mojo. 

I think I've been infected with a case of "Oregon Gray Days"....

Today is another gray Oregon day...

But the birds provide a bit of color - even the Starlings.

The Finches are getting more colorful too as Spring approaches.

I've not yet been able to identify this little guy...

I'm sure the Junco could tell me if he would...


  1. I love your bird pictures!

    Great progress on your sampler--I looooove Birds of a Feather!

  2. Hi Beth ... have just had a quick peek for the little bird and I think its a grey wag tail male :) .. sorry to hear the mojo has disappeared think it may be due to the weather too :( hope it comes back quick to get the sampler finished :) love mouse xxx

  3. Love your bird pictures and your piece is coming along great. Such a pretty color. And I think a lot of us are suffering from grey day syndrome. It happens at the end of winter before spring probably because we're so anxious for some warmer and sunnier weather.


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