Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Winter Walk

Design - "Winter Walk"
Designer - The Knotted Tree
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Fabric - 32 count raw linen
Started - 5 January 2011
Completed - 7 February 2011

Hip-hip-hooray for me!  The first completion of my Stitching Goals 2011 List!

I love the use of color and pattern in the border...a great contrast to the strong blocks of color in the snowman.  And remember this project was exempt from my "I'm done stitching snowguys" vow of January 25th.
"Winter Walk" superseded the vow!

So all of you who are tired of snow and anything to do with it, so sorry, but I do think this is a cutie! 

As we stroll about this Outdoor Wednesday, the colors in nature seem to be very "Valentinish".
A new cyclamen...

Aren't the blooms lovely?

This pot of iris and daffodils is coming on strong. 

And the Daphne have begun to bud-up...

I can't wait for their fragrance to fill the air!  

The pansy's colors would make it a perfect Valentine gift.
Hope you are able to enjoy an Outdoor Wednesday.


  1. well done on the snow man he is really cute and the border really does set him off ... love to see the garden pics as well .. I've just got some bulbs just about showing :) love mouse xxxx

  2. Hi!
    Cute snowman! The flowers are beautiful. Have a great day!

    Food for Thought

  3. Very cute snowman. And those flowers are making me yearn for Spring! It's been a nasty winter!!

  4. Your snowman is so darn cute...I love the button mitten! Pretty blooms...we have lots blooming has been rather warm and the bulbs have all come up early!

  5. Congratulations on your Winter Walk finish - it is darling! And it is wonderful to see some pretty color when all we seem to have is black and white with all the snow. I love the cyclamens - they have a lovely color to them.

  6. You're right. That's one fine snowman! Love the border! If I were under several feet of snow though I doubt I'd be overcome with his cuteness :)

  7. Great finish , I love the little snow swirls. X

  8. Your snowman came out really well. Love all your flower photos too.

  9. Cute snowman.
    I am so glad there are signs of spring somewhere. :) This has been an awful snowy and cold winter. And no signs of it ending here in New York. :( Oh well, I will enjoy your lovely photos and dream. :)

  10. I love your snowman cross-stitch. The pink pansy is a lovely color.

  11. Super duper cute snowman!! Love him!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.