Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday's Report

I was able to work on "2006 Collector's Heart" this weekend.  I'm really taken with the crooked path border on this one.  While it is just one color, the random wanderings keep it interesting!  FYI - Nine more rows to go on "Winter Walk"!

I realized in looking at the bird photos I've posted this last month or so, that the Mourning Doves were not getting a fair shake!  I think we have more doves than any other bird.  Groups of 20-30 are not uncommon.

Woodpeckers don't appear to flock - this female was quite content to dine al fresco - alone - table for one!  

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your new piece - it looks like fun!

    So, do you live in a bird sanctuary? I have never seen so many birds in the "wild" as you photgraph. It is fun and amazing to see your pictures!


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