Sunday, February 20, 2011

Help! I Can't Stop Starting!

Am I out of control or what?  I needed a small portable project yesterday, so I pulled out Heart in Hand's "Stack of Hearts" to work on during a road-trip and basketball game.  It was the perfect size for a 5" hoop and only used three colors of floss - extremely "Grab and Goish". 

We had a hard frost Friday morning - I like how it added depth and texture to the mullein.  We even got a snow shower Friday afternoon.  Enough to cover the ground - less than 2" - all melted by Saturday morning - as though it never happened.   

This weekend is the Great Backyard Bird Count and I decided to participate.  I'll give you my final tally on Monday's post.

Some birds are a mystery - I think this is a goldfinch less its brilliant summer color. 

1 comment:

  1. HI Beth , great new start and stitch and goes are fine ... can I ask what camera you use to get such good pictures of the birds ??? i want to get a good picture of my little friends but so far not much luck :( love mouse xxxxx


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