Friday, February 4, 2011

Beginnings (a Project) Endings (the Week)

For my next trick project, I present:
Heart in Hand's "2006 Collector's Heart."
Lovely, lovely colors - I'm looking forward to getting started.

Endings (almost kinda') the week comes to a close anyway.
I was happy to see a brown bunny out and about on a frosty morning.

The frost added a nice patina to the fir cone and the maple leaf.

But the big excitement was with the avian conversations I first overheard, and then the winged-speakers I was able to glimpse. 
First off the unmistakable wild chatter of a Pileated Woodpecker working away at the edge of the conifer forest. 

And closer at hand, the far-quieter "peek" of a Downy Woodpecker.
On a crisp and cold lovely sunny morning, everyone is an "Early Bird!"


  1. Here's to all youre really cool hearts.... and your wildlife. :) Dang that's a cuuuute bunny!

  2. What a nice new start! What a cute bunny!

  3. Hi -- Just wanted to tell you that I really enjoy your blog! I think I found it through Edgar's site. I love the stitching and all the nature shots, but I must admit that I'm a wee bit jealous of all the green grass shown in your pictures.
    -Cecelia from PA

  4. just found your blog and I am so glad I did, it is wonderful
    love your new wip, never seen that chart before
    lovely pictures of the bunny too


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.