Sunday, January 9, 2011

Stitching Along

I've managed to find time to stitch a couple more letters on BOAF's "Alphabet Sampler".  I am enjoying the subtle use of color in this two-tone sampler (WDW cadet & caper).

Last year, I lost interest in "big" projects for a while.  I got consumed with having quick finishes to feature on my blog. Now, I think I have my stitching mojo back again.   I am trying not to impose demands on myself for the blog which then rule my stitching world! 

While the calendar might state Winter - January, signs of spring have appeared. 

I am so happy that some of the narcissus have popped up.

Last year with a severe cold-spell in December I lost all my bulbs.
Yes - all of the spring bulbs I planted were for not.  

So it is gratifying to see bits of tender green erupting from the earth!


  1. Loving the look of your sampler so far. The color is really pretty! I agree, nice to see some green coming up!

  2. I love BoaF and I'm not sure if I have seen this pattern before. I look forward to seeing the sampler unfold...kind of like a mystery. It's a wonderful thing to see those little green sprouts peeking me hope for spring.

  3. Oh, your sampler is going to be a beauty. I just love the colors of it! And it's nice to see those plants coming up. I fear we won't be seeing anything like that for a while!

  4. Love the floss colors in your sampler. It is amazing to see young sprouts so early in the year. We won't see anything like that for another couple of months.

  5. Every day I find a new garden blog---today I found yours. I'm drawn to photos of flowers and garden tips. When my sister passed away from Lung Cancer I started a memorial garden in her honor. That garden has grown into a magical, peaceful place. What started with a Peach Tree has now developed into a tropical showcase. I have taken over 5000 pictures of the flowers, fruit, trees and vegetables. I post them daily on my website. Please read the comments from people who have been touched by the garden's beauty and the message. you will find the most recent photos and comments in photo gallery 1. If you like the site and would like to share it with your readers I would be thrilled. I'm trying to make a difference one flower at a time.

    See you in the garden,


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.