Friday, January 28, 2011

It's Friday!

It's Friday and I have embarrassingly little stitching progress to share with you today.  My "Ta-Da Snowman" looks like nothing more than a red blob on a white least the Peoria Purple linen is pretty!

I do have a new piece of Garden Art to share with you.

Look what I got!  Isn't this a thoughtful Christmas gift?  

I wonder if he commissioned the sculpture?


  1. Love the new garden art. I am sure it will look fabulous in the garden this spring.

    Cute start. The snowman would fit right in here in the Northeast. :)

  2. ok - the disembodied partially stitched snowman head made me smile -- reminds me of several of my only from the neck up snow guys - LOL

    The garden art is beautiful - can't wait for spring!

  3. OMG OMG OMG I love that quail ! He's marvelous. Absolutely marvelous! Oh I do love those quails.

    Oh and your snowman is adorable.... for all he's a little blobish. He's definitely showing his pending adorableness.

  4. Your quail is darling, I wonder how much attention the other guy will give him? Maybe he will think he is a new pal.

    I agree your fabric for your snowman is quite pretty, and I can't wait to see the finished product!

  5. Love the quail sculpture! He is really wonderful!

    Keep working on the snowman - he'll be built before you know it!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.