Sunday, January 16, 2011

Crazy January 15 Challenge

Over half-way done with the border - thirty-two squares to go!
"Winter Walk" is finally beginning to look like something!

When not stitching, I've been lurking around the blogosphere, reading with much admiration and amazement about those stitchers who have taken up the Crazy January Challenge.  I have to tell you their choices have been a source of envy and inspiration and awe.  I cannot conceive of starting one "ultra-large king-sized" sampler, much less a dozen of 'em and with the intention of finishing them all by year's end.

I've especially enjoyed following Cathy B's selections over at With Needle and Thread, Faye's choices over at Carolina Stitcher,  Debbie at Threadgather is mixing quilting with stitching... Tanya at Scarlett House has some gorgeous choices kitted up and started, and Glenna at Eye of the Needle is tackling this challenge in a big, big, way! 
I'm sure I've left out many, many worthy "Challenge" stitchers - best wishes to all of you - I'm following your progress and cheering you on!


  1. Your piece is going to be lovely. All those color changes make it very time consuming. Enjoy your stitching.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.