Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Baby It's Cold Outside

Crisp, cold days make Tom-Cat "juicy" and playful.  He's attacked his turkey feather and now the jingle-bell is under consideration.

It was 25F when I got up Monday morning and the world was white and glittery!

There were chickadees amongst the frosty teasel...

and in spite of the cold and the month (January), the pussy willows have begun to develop catkins. 

The Tuesday Garden Party theme is seed starting tips. 

I don't plant seeds in my gardening efforts, but I do plant spring bulbs and now I have muscari coming up.

With the cold and frost, I decided that another snowman was called for - this time a Heart in Hand kit "Winter Fling".


  1. Lovely pics and a perfect new start! It's cold here and we're supposed to get a little snow - maybe 4". Not quite like the Eastern Seaboard!

  2. You must have a fantastic camera. You always have the best pictures. Enjoy your next project!

  3. You get great photos on mornings like this. I love the chickedees, they are rather like the blue tits & great tits we get in the UK.

  4. As usual enjoying your pictures during my morning coffee. Your cat is lovely and your new chart will look great too

  5. Great pics! I love your new start, and congratulate you on your recent finish! Stay warm!


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