Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sunday Musings

Lately there have been lots of older charts with a starting bid of $0.99.  I've been lurking, and was pleased to add these three Brightneedle charts to my stash.  I'm giving serious consideration to stitching the winter chart on the far left. It requires Thread Gatherer fibers though, so I'm going to have to see what I might cobble together.

I spent some of Saturday decorating... 

I have two small faux trees in the kitchen.

The ornaments reflect that theme - cookies, and baking utensils, and the like. 

I also set up my collection of nativities.  The collection now takes up six shelves in a glass-in cabinet (cat-proof!)  The nativity in the center is my newest addition - a very different take on the theme.    


  1. Wow , I love your new nativity set , so different and pretty.

  2. Congrats on your's always fun to snag some of the older OOPs. Love the kitchen gadget tree and your newest nativity is very unusual and beautifully made.

  3. I really like your kitchen gadget trees. What better ornaments for a kitchen. So pretty.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.