Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It's an Indoor Wednesday

I needed a small travel stitch, so decided to begin working on "Snow Gazer" by Heart in Hand.  Sometimes you cannot beat a kit - all the floss, the chart, the fabric - it's all there and ready when you are!

Outdoor Wednesday is celebrating the indoors this month, so I thought I'd share a few more pictures of our Christmas decorations. 

Both my sister and I collect hand-carved wooden Santa.  This is her collection.  I think it looks like a meeting of the UN of Santas!
This small wrought iron tree resides on top of the piano. 

This simply decorated faux tree is on the buffet in the dining room.

The festive bear is sitting in my mother's childhood rocker.
Are you all decorated and ready for Christmas? 


  1. Love the santa collection - I'm a santa addict, myself! Your little trees are great - really love the wrought iron tree!

  2. i love having a mini-stitch in my tote bag for traveling and being stuck in traffic (I don't drive LOL)

  3. Beautiful decorations!! I love the santas--I am an addict, too!


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