Tuesday, December 7, 2010

From the Cross Stitch Archives

Design - "Wee Santa 1997"
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 30 count R & R Holly linen
Fibers - GAST & Anchor
Started - 4 October 1997
Completed - 9 October 1997

I am proud of the bead-work on this one - I usually stay far, far away from any design that requires beading.

On the holiday front, I am trying to get organized, and begin to decorate the house for Christmas.  I'm afraid, though, I do not much to report on that end.

My small efforts thus far have required close scrutiny - which does not help.  The tinsel trees have committed repeated suicide - diving off the bookshelf onto the floor - I think you can guess the culprit! 


  1. I see your furry baby is like mine. I have not put up a lot yet, still recovering, but I know with the newest addition, it is going to be chaos, once the glitter and hanging items go up;)


  2. Ahhhhhh a curious kitty. :) I am so glad mine doesn't like to climb too high. I do keep the lowest shelves of the shelving empty. Does your
    kitty bother the tree too? Mine just likes to hide in back of it. Which never caused problems until Rory. He tried to follow the cat last year. :) We shall see what this year is like once I put up a tree.

  3. Your 1997 finish is so cute and the fabric compliments it perfectly!

    I see you have a "helper" like me. Seems like one of my cats needs to have their nose in whatever I'm doing, especially when it involves opening a box, drawer, closet, dryer, etc. But I love the little nosy creatures and wouldn't have it any other way.

  4. Christmas suppose to be fun for us human. but, no !!!! It's fun for the cats.
    In my house they are crazy for the Christmas tree.

  5. I really like your Wee Santa! I would not ever make a good cat parent - I would get very frustrated!!


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