Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December - Indoors and Outside

It's December - time for another snowman!
I've kitted up "Snowmen" by Val's Stuff from the October 2006 issue of Just Cross Stitch Magazine. I've already stitched the companion piece from the 2006 ornament issue - when this one is done, I'll post both of them.

For my Outdoor Wednesday post, many of the usual suspects were around to greet me early in the morning...

I think this is the youngest and smallest fawn on the property.

I'd not seen any bunnies for a couple of days...

And suddenly I was tripping over bunnies everywhere!

A brush bunny joined the California Quail for a sunflower breakfast... 

Everyone munched contentedly...

A bunny to the left and one on the right - quail in the front

Then I noticed there were two bunnies in the brier patch!

And Mr Grey Squirrel multi-tasked - eating and scolding me at the same time.  I hope you have a good breakfast this morning! 


  1. Hi Beth--Just want to say hello and thank you for visiting my blog. I'm always happy to find new-to-me stitching blogs :)

    Love your newest snowman--I stitched him myself last year. And your nature photos are lovely--wish I could get close enough to the deer in our back yard to get a good photo!

    Have a wonderful December...

  2. What fun to be able to see all these lovely creatures right in your backyard. Unfortunately, the only wild life I have are raccoons and they are so troublesome.(-:

  3. I love all of your wildlife photos! The squirrel on the woodpile looks very well-fed. :)

  4. Love your pictures , and your stitching .XXX

  5. I love the photos of the animals. Just lovely. Happy Outdoor Wednesday.


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