Monday, November 22, 2010

Done with Autumn - Ready for Winter - Maybe!

Design - "Little Pumpkin in the Patch"
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count Summer Khaki linen
Fibers - WDW & GAST - 2 threads over 2 strands
Started - 19 November 2010
Completed - 20 November 2010

This turned out to be the perfect small project for a case of insomnia!
I woke up about 3:00am this morning, could not fall back to sleep, so finally got up and spent a couple of quiet, dark hours finishing this up. 

I think I was fretting about our weather forecast - SNOW today - and worried about protecting all my plants.  Which ones should I shift into the garage for a couple of days...worry, worry, worry. 

And speaking of the weather advisory...the snow is not really the problem. The Arctic Blast that follows is my concern. It is supposed to be cold tonight (27F/-3C), and colder still Tuesday night (18F/-8C),  then 26F/-3C on Wednesday night 

I spent four hours Saturday, and three hours Sunday putting all my container plants to bed for the winter.  This picnic bench has some pansies and a couple of pots of small bulbs.  I have more pots of bulbs under the bench.

On the other side of the front door, I have the hostas are tucked under another old picnic bench. On the bench I have more pansies and five pots of bulbs.

Despite the "Deer Guarding Chair Barricade", the porch looks pretty tidy.
A very spare look compared to the summer excesses!

On the back patio, I have yet more pansies, and one of my plant racks wearing its vinyl jacket as a test drive for the up-coming Arctic weather.  

I moved most of the salvias to a nook on the patio - they are protected from the deer, and I thought they might get an extra degree or two of warmth from the gravel base, and the two-sided concrete wall. But I think I need to move all these into a garage for Tuesday night's cold temperatures.  

All the sedums and agaves are tucked into another nook out of the rain and weather.

Lastly we had a totally organic crew tidying up the last of the tomatoes in the Kitchen Garden!

1 comment:

  1. I was going to ask if you got that many deer that you had to take such precautions... then I got to the last picture in the group. Wow!! I guess so! LOL Looks like everything is nicely set for winter to come in. We had our first hard frost last night. Congrats on the finish!


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