Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Acorns and Eggs

Today I thought I'd share with you the last of the five projects I had professionally framed back in August. 
"One Big Acorn" is quite small - framed it is only 5" x 6".  I chose not to have a mat.  I liked the cleaner look of the stitch and a frame.  Instead I used the border of the piece to delineate the space between the stitching, the "clean linen", and the frame.  With no mat, I was then able to use a very ornate frame - I just wish I had a better photo of the frame.

Design - "One Big Acorn"
Designer - Ewe & Eye & Friends
Fabric - 35 count Vintage linen
Fibers - DMC - one strand over two threads
Started -15 September 1998
Completed - 26 September 1998
Framed - August 2010

The entire acorn is made up of speciality stitches.

and outlined with a robust border...

and the squirrels are stitched over one thread.
I hope you like it - I still do all these years later.
That I think is the true test of a classic design.

Today's Tuesday Garden Party theme is "Gifts from the Garden".

I'm interpreting that to sharing the bounty of the garden.

My friend, Bev has three young hens.  They've started laying eggs.
So now Bev has lovely gifts to share with her neighbors. 

A bouquet from your garden - a most personal gift!

Perhaps you have a Walnut tree or a Filbert or two... 

or how about home-made kimichi and sauerkraut?
You can find more great ideas at An Oregon Cottage.


  1. I LOVE the BIG Nut LOL! You stitch the neatest pieces. I'm in awe of your productivity. The border around the acorn is very effective and I do love an ornate frame. Happy stitching-

  2. Another lovely cross-stich. You are very productive!

  3. I particularly like the picture of the eggs in the basket--beautiful!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.