Saturday, October 2, 2010

October is...Pumpkins and Birds

This is a finish - sorta'! 
I decided to post this Prairie Schooler Pumpkin before I began to stitch the back ground in DMC 3371. This will give us a visual before and after. 

I found a couple of cute tuck pillows.

I think both pumpkins look properly festive!

I do like the colors of autumn.

This morning I had some colorful avians in the backyard and patio.
Can you see the hummingbird perched in front of the salvia? 

The Evening Grosbeaks are still around...
and far less camera-shy now than they are in the spring.  I think we have about a dozen or so birds.

I also had a hummingbird who appeared to relish all the salvias. 
We try to provide for everyone at the avian dining table!

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