Monday, October 25, 2010

Halloween Pin Garden and Autumnal Bouquets

A finish!

Design - "Halloween Pin Garden" (kit)
Designer - Raise the Roof
Fabric - 32 count Summer Khaki Lugana
Fibers - Au Ver a Soie
Started - 22 October 2010
Completed - 24 October 2010

Halloween Pin Garden - Detail

A fast, fun piece - I really like the way the Granny Apple green silk pops on this.

And for me - an instant finish with the frame!
There is also a set of pins to go with this - I'm awaiting delivery on the pins and will post another picture when they arrive.

My sister picked two final bouquets before our latest storm...

 Autumnal dahlias

Zinnias - Persian Carpet Mix - (Renee's Seeds)
These zinnias have bloomed, and bloomed, and bloomed their hearts out this summer -  it is a wonderful mix!


  1. Another great finish! I agree that pop of limey green just sparkles - Happy stitching!

  2. What a lovely little Halloween finish. And such gorgeousness in those vases!

  3. Your newest finish is just fabulous.

  4. Love the simplicity of your newest finish. Beautiful flowers!

  5. What a great finish! Your bouquets are gorgeous, too.

  6. I just love your work and the way you have completed it, its really appreciating.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.