Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday Odds and Ends

Work continues apace on "Quaker October".  I hope to finish the border today and begin to stitch the acorn motifs. 

The weather is due to change today and I am afraid that our Indian Summer has come to an end.  I thought I'd document the last few lovely blue-sky days as a remembrance.

We had wonderful weather earlier in the week.
Blue skies and a hawk in the tree. 
We have several dead "snags" on the property - the hawks, the turkey vultures, the doves, the pigeons, and the woodpeckers all love the snags and they are in use most daylight hours.  I like to think that come night-time the great horned owls also make use of them.

The two "Outdoor Cats" have also relished these last sunny days.
This is Parvati under a Sweet Gum...

As I mentioned earlier, I put the hostas "to bed" under a picnic bench for the winter.

But as you can see, I still have alot of "winterizing" to do before the first hard frost comes along.

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