Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Stitching Progress and Outdoor Wonders

I thought I might have a finish to share today, but that is not the case.
So here's my progress thus far on "P is for Pumpkin".  Given that the temperatures have returned to the mid-80's the last few days, it seems odd to be stitching a pumpkin - I should be stitching a watermelon instead!

Today our outdoor guide is Padma Patel.

He is a 100% indoor cat who gazes at the outdoors through doors and windows.  

Monday evening as I was watering my plants on the front porch, I thought I had a hummingbird for company. Someone, something was busily slurping the nectar of the fuchsias and salvias.  

If you look at the bloom on the lower right you can see the culprit.

Huimmingbird Clearwing Moth

As it turns out it was a Hummingbird Clearwing Moth - Hemaris thysbe.
The moth flitted a zoomed around - very much like a hummingbird - the entire time I was outdoors.  It did not appear to be the least bit frightened of me, and thus allowed me to take a couple of reasonable pictures.  There is a much nicer, clearer photo at Hill Country Critters.

Gardening Bounty
With a few days of sunshine, the tomatoes have begun to ripen. 

Spot and Dot came to help me fill up the bird feeders Monday morning.

I did not have to use a zoom of any kind to take these shots.  They were curious and hungry and so came quite close.  The fawns are particularly taken with our two outdoor cats.  They stalk the cats in an effort to "check them out".  The cats hate it, and with great indignity end up running away.  Turn about is fair play for someone who is usually the predator rather than the prey!   

My three large pots are in full swing as we approach October.  The autumn sage (salvia) in the front left is only now about ready to bloom for the first time.  The other salvias and penstemon are going strong and the purple asters overwintered just fine and are now attracting lots of pollinators. 

Steller's Jays are one of my favorite birds.  They are loud and raucous - bullies at the bird feeder - but they are so very colorful, I forgive them their poor behavior.

You can find other outdoor Wednesday posts at A Southern Daydreamer


  1. looks like you have indeed been very progressive in your works the bounty of an array of colorful tomatoes, the crumble looks scrumptious and your handwork looks like it is come along well

  2. You are one busy woman with a lot going on. Loved all your photo's.


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