Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Outdoor Wednesday - The Usual Suspects

In keeping with the theme of "Outdoor Wedneday", here is my "Among the Berries" stitching progress. I think I might be able to finish it up today...we'll see...sometimes life gets in the way of my plans.

Yesterday the weather changed - 40% chance of showers were forecast.  We ended up with 1.1" of rain by 8:00am this morning.  I'd call it a very rainy autumn day.

This morning, most of my "usual suspects" were present to greet me.

Bunny-foo who approves of my current stitching project!

Chip...or is it Dale?

A doe...

and her fawn hurried over to check out the bird feeders.

Mr. Barn Swallow watched as I checked out his nest.

 I think there are three babies in this second group. 
If you look closely you can see a beak peering over the edge near the center of the nest.

I'm not sure how many California Quail families we have this year.  Five or six different groups anyway - ranging from thirteen to five members.

This is a group with ten members - eight kids and two adults.
The babies got pretty soaked with all the rain yesterday.

Our bench worked well as an observation post - Dad Quail (Dan Quale?) is 2nd from the right - Mom is on the far right.

Take a moment and check out some of the other "Outdoor Wednesday" posts.


  1. Your wip looks great so far. Very nice 'pets' you have in your yard!

  2. Your project is very fitting with all your friends that are about! We have quails nearby, but they never make into the yard...they stay down by the dry river bed a few hundred feet away.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.