Monday, September 6, 2010

Another Perfectly Lovely Day...

Nothing new to report on the stitching front, so I thought I'd share one of my floss drawers.  This drawer contains all my GAST, WDW, and NPS.  The NPS are loose and a bit of a mess.  I have the GAST and WDW sorted alphabetically on rings, so it is pretty easy to find the colors I need.  I also have a master list of all the colors / numbers so when I'm looking at a chart I know ahead of time if I need to buy fibers.

Today, Labor Day, is a perfectly lovely day in the Southern Willamette Valley.

I think Drusilla Deer would agree.

Some of us are laboring, a bit, on Labor Day. 
I watered all my plants on the back patio and front porch this morning.

My father and sister are off in the cool of the morning to mow around her large dahlia garden.  I hope to post pictures of some of her 199 plants later this week.  Autumn is dahlia-time and they are glorious right now.

I have some photos I should organize...

However, I am receiving encouragement to just
"Enjoy the gift of the day"!
Hope you do the same.

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