Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Tuesday Chicken Report

First up... how about this? 
This Workbasket chart combines two of my current obsessions passions...chickens and Quaker motifs!  If I can manage to count correctly there should not be any mess ups as it just uses one color of Belle Soie silk.

On Saturday my father and I attended the Eugene Celebration Parade.
There were not one, but two, chicken entries!

The Friendly Street Neighborhood
Hundred Hen March
Adults, kids, chickens, and bicycles

Note the boy with his extremely calm hen.  He carried her the entire parade.

A hen-den.  It was rumored that hens laid two eggs during the parade.
The Friendly Street Farmers have an amazingly dense web presence too.

These might have been the cutest chickens in the parade.

This was the 2nd chicken entry in the parade.
They are nameless as I cannot recall the group's name.

Continuing on the chicken theme, my friend Bev sent me updated photos of her girls.  They are now beginning to lay - very small eggs.

They look to be very content young ladies.

 They have a nice coop and a wonderful yard to explore.

And so ends your Tuesday Chicken Report!


  1. I have a bit of a thing for chickens, so thanks for sharing:) I don't remember this street fair/parade when I lived in Eugene... very fun.

  2. I'm a chicken mama like Heather--hens on parade is a great idea!

  3. Since we didn't make it to the Eugene Cel., this was a fun look. Leave it to Eugene to include chickens. :-)

    Thanks for linking to the TGP!


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