Wednesday, August 11, 2010

To the Beach...Or To the Front Porch!

Design - Pearls - "Sand Pail"
Designer - SamSarah
Fabric - Aida
Floss - Crescent Colors
Started - 5 July 2010
Completed - 10 August 2010

I've promised my Mom that when she completes a stitch, I'll post it.  So here is her 2nd completion for 2010 - some kind of record for her!  It's an appropriately themed stitch for August too. 

Summer has returned - Wahoo!!!  This morning we have a few small, billowy clouds, but mostly blue sky, and it's supposed to hit 82F.  So I'm celebrating the better weather, and sharing a few new photos.

I think our barn swallows are repairing their nest and maybe going to fledge for a 2nd time - what a busy summer for them!

The morning light was very kind to my front porch gardening efforts - though I did notice that I need to get a broom and sweep up blossom debris.

The begonias are thriving...

I wonder how big this one might be, had not the deer munched on it earlier.

I love, love, love the contrast in the foliage of these two fuchsias.

The hostas and ferns are happy...

and so are the fuchsias!

"This is the day..." enjoy the day!


  1. A great finish for this time of year! Your pics are beautiful!

  2. I love all your potted plants. I never would have thought to put hostas in a pot...great idea! Great job on your Mom's finish too:)


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