Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunflower Sunday Serendipity

Design - Sunflower
Chart - "A Prairie Garden" #35
Designer - Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 28 count Natural Pearl Zweigart
Floss - DMC
Started - 18 August 2010
Completed - 21 August 2010

This makes a nice companion piece to the P.S. ear of corn I stitched a few days ago.  Both use many of the same DMC colors so they "match up" very well.  The unanswerable question though would be why, why, why I stitched the center of the sunflower with Anchor 905 instead of DMC 801 as charted?  Don't know...but it required me to frog it all out and restitch it.  I always look upon those experiences as matter how long I've cross stitched, or how complicated a piece I've tackled, many times it is the simplest of things - a miscount, a wrong color - that will trip me up, and make for a "do-over".   

This sunflower was stitched in honor of the massive volunteer sunflower which grew this summer in my sister's Kitchen Garden.

It got to be well over 10' tall before it broke off under its own weight.

It then made a very nice, summery bouquet.


  1. Such a pretty project!!!

    and your sisters sunflowers are amazing!!

  2. Hello, I accidentally discovered your blog and saw that you are embroidering flowers Prairie Schooler, are beautiful, I'd just work on sunflower: I like your plants, you're very good. See you soon Teresa


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.