Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Roosters and Cat Worries

"Wee Rooster" is stitching up quite nicely.  The border is rather complicated - uses a "new to me" stitch called Crossed Corner Cushion.  I've saved that for later when I'm feeling more confident.

This morning as I filled up the birdfeeders, I was "helped" by five barn swallows perched in the garage, two three-point bucks eating birdfood out of the feeders, a couple of chipmunks, a bunny or two...

but no Cleo-Cat!

She is an indoor/outdoor cat.  Monday night we all were outside until about 9:00pm enjoying the evening and watching the barn swallows. 
Tuesday morning, no sign of Cleo.

We've called and called - looked all around our property inside and out.  Now it's time to create a flyer to handout, post on Craig's List, and talk to our neighbors. 

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