Monday, August 16, 2010

Next Up!

A change of pace...
I'm going to start "Strawberry Fields" (top right) from "Garden Friends".  It's an older chart from Designs by Charlotte.  I'm using fabric from my stash rather than the charted fabric (Fiddler's Cloth).
It's fun to go through my older charts every once in a while.  Though my tastes have changed greatly since the early 1980's, sometimes I stumble across a chart or two which have stood the test of time.

This ladybug, is a fused glass piece by Katy Adamson out of Newport, Oregon.
It's very cheery.

I was pleased to see this sedum happy, healthy and blooming.  I'm having an awful time this year with black aphids and white flies - both a wrecking havoc on my sedums and sempervivums.  I sprayed a soap solution this morning, hope it helps.

Being an eternal optimist, I nonetheless potted up these three small guys.

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