Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fuana Wednesday

I've stitched the butterfly and moth on Prairie Schooler's "August" and have begun the flowers - bird, bee, snail and frog to follow! The color selection is wonderful - very unique.

The following photos are from earlier in the week, but they also are representative of Outdoor Wednesday
More Outdoor Wednesday offerings can be found here.

Yesterday was in the 90's, and today is supposed to be more of the same. So I was outside by 7:30am and began watering the plants on the back patio.   

The large California Quail family was out and about this morning...quietly roosting on an old piece of wood while the Dads stood guard.

A doe worked on spilled sunflower seeds.

California Quail youngsters on a pile of mowed grass.

I was so pleased with the result of this hummingbird "action shot"!

I also watered everything on the front porch this morning, and potted up a couple of replacement plants for some "spent" sempervivum.
Now inside for the rest of the day, until it cools in the evening - heat and I are not good companions!


  1. Lovely pics. The hummingbird shot is wonderful. I look forward to seeing August finished.

  2. It has been very hot here this week and I have to go out very early to work in the garden. Your photos are great...I like the little doe:)


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