Friday, August 13, 2010

The Friday Update

A truly lovely morning this morning - for people, plants, and cats. 

I spent most of yesterday afternoon "organizing" - my stash, my recent purchases, my fabric, floss, and buttons.  It was one of those times when after working for a couple of hours, no one, but me, could even tell that I'd done anything. But now I can find things, so I'm happy.  

The above photo shows the breadth of my fabric purchases from Friendship Crossing.  Ann had lots of pre cut pieces in 25, 28, 30, 32, and 34 count.  So with her super sale prices, I decided to stock up. I figure a gal cannot own too much linen.  Is there anything more frustrating that pulling out a chart to stitch and not having the appropriate fabric? 

I also replenished my floss with GAST, WDW, Crescent Colors Belle Soie, and Carrie's Creations.

This morning the temperature was perfect.  I watered everything on the back patio, and then moved to the north-facing front porch.
The morning light was very kind to my gardening efforts.   
These coleus glow in front of the salvia.

The ferns and hostas are getting lush too.

More coleus and salvia.  I like the contrast of the coleus with the dark reds and burgundies and the brighter green of the salvias.  

This fuchsia was putting on a show.

More contented ferns.  Our cool wet May and June has made for a "good fern" summer.

One last photo of the cool, quiet morning.


  1. You should be all set for fabric for some time! Lovely pics of your plants - I just love ferns and yours are so pretty!

  2. Wonderful stash! The fabric makes me jealous. Great pics of the flowers.


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