Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Tuesday Report

To celebrate three +90F in a row, here's my progress on "Corn" by Ewe & Eye & Friends.  Today is supposed to be a bit cooler - mid-80sF which is fine by me.  Though I expect the corn crops would all be fine with a bit more heat.

The sunny weather has brought out wonderful flowers for amateur gardeners and professionals too. 


There were so many lovely flowers at the Farmers' Market...I don't know where to begin!


Mixed Bouquet

Asiatic Lilies

Mixed bouquet with dahlias and lilies

More Sunflowers

I bought two hostas at the Market. 

Both are smaller varieties - perfect for pots!


  1. What a wonderful flowers at your farmers market! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I like the blue pots on the bench! And the farmer's market flowers are lovely.

  3. Lovely wip and the flowers are stunning!

  4. Beautiful flowers!! I love the farmer's market!

  5. Such color- beautiful! Thanks for sharing at the TGP!


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