Monday, July 12, 2010

March Chickens and July Sedums

I know, I know - this is what my sister refers to as "Stitching out of season".  Based on the title, I should have down this as winter was coming to a close, however it does work with my current chicken motif fascination.  So be it - this is what I'm stitching next.

Much, much cooler today - and very welcome in my book.  I am not a fan of +90F days.  So even though this morning is grey, it works for me.  I can back off from watering a bit.

Several of my sedums (and hens and chicks) have begun to bloom or a just about ready to pop. 



Hen and Chicks

My nasturtiums have loved this hot weather.

While I was out this morning, someone was on border patrol.

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