Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wishful Wednesday

I wish it would stop raining (0.2" last night).
I wish the cats would stop killing baby bunnies and chipmunks.
I wish the pollen count (990 yesterday) would plummet.
I wish the deer would stop eating my plants.
I wish Summer weather and temperatures would arrive.

Okay enough of that!  
The on-going battle with the deer...We win!
At least for the moment!  My family helped install a fence around the front porch.  That, with chairs blockading the stairs, should keep out the pesky critters.

You can see what they did to my poor coleus!
While not esthetically the prettiest thing going, I'm hoping to enjoy my plants behind the fencing.  The nice thing about it, is that the wire is low enough so that when sitting on the the porch, you look right over the top of it.
 To brighten up my spirits I bought these pots at Micheal's.  They were two for $5.00 - not sure how I'll use them, but I could not resist.
Not much progress on the stitching front.  I did hear today via an email that I'd won (I never win!) a $50.00 grab-bag from JJ's!  I'll share the loot via a post on the blog, when it arrives.  I did begin my Heart in Hand chicken - just the border so far.

1 comment:

  1. Your fence is genius-kudos:) Congrats on your winnings!


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