Sunday, June 27, 2010

Portland's Urban Gardens - public and private

Design - "Rendered By"
Designer - Little By Little
Fabric - 36 count Light Espresso R & R linen
Fibers - DMC
STarted - 31 May 2010
Completed - 24 June 2010
It's done and it looks great!  I simplified the border, messed with the alphabet, added the year, and my initials.

While in Portland, Oregon the past three days, I had the pleasure of viewing several public and private gardens. 
Pearl District

Sedum and Fescue - Pearl District

Pearl District

Planter Detail

Hotel Modera - Portland - Wall Garden

Wall Garden - Detail

Park Blocks 


  1. Darling finish, drooling over these garden pics~swoon:)

  2. Beautiful finish and lovely garden photos.

  3. Cute little finish and I love the neighborhood pictures :-).


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.