Sunday, June 20, 2010

Ladybug, Ladybug - a Start and a Father-To-Be

It's another grey day - actually had a rain shower a few minutes ago.
While I spent the morning outside, I've now retreated indoors to the Craft Room for some inspiration.  I've decided to begin "Ladybug Ladybug" as my next stitching project.

I think these mosaic vegetables also work as inspiration.  I found the eggplant and pepper at Bloomer's Nursery when I was there on Thursday.

The last week or so, I've been in awe of the industry of a pair on barn swallows.  The parents-to-be decided to build a nest atop one of the columns on the back patio.  It is an amazingly complicated structure - made without the use of hands!  The female began nesting on Friday.   

While the father-to-be also helps out with nesting duties, he spends lots of time perched on a pole watching over his domain...

...and not without good reason!
Parvati and Cleo have been watching the nest building with great interest.

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