Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How I Spent My Sunday - Part Three

Last, but certainly not least, we drove out to Scappoose, Oregon to Joy Creek Nursery.  Maurice, one of the co-owners, has been a speaker at our Avid Gardeners' meeting.  One of the most interesting things about Joy Creek is their use of gravel in amending their soil to improve water retention - it's counter-intuitive, but it really works!
Joy Creek has over four acres of  "show" gardens.  A great way to see how their plants perform in a garden setting. They also use their garden to stock their nursery through seeds, cuttings, and division.

Lots of interesting conifers...

and columbine...

and who does not love a large stand of delphinium?

We were take on a tour of their gardens and then let loose to browse and purchase nursery stock.

I found a hosta, a couple of fuchsias, and sedum.
Joy Creek has an incredibly detailed catalogue and it is easy to order from their website.

Stitching continues on "Rendered By"...slowly.  This piece has lots and lots of color changes and small bursts of color - it makes for intensive counting and slow stitching.

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