Monday, June 7, 2010

How I Spent My Sunday - Part One

On Sunday I took a Road Trip to the Portland area with members of the Avid Gardeners. The planning committee did such a great job.  We had a comfortable bus, plenty of room to store our plant purchases, and snacks to eat.

The first stop on our tour was Xera Plants - a wholesale nursery. They sell to retail nurseries in the greater Portland area and southwest Washington, so it was a real treat to be able to buy direct.  If Xera has a mission statement, it would be to promote the use of plants that require little to no additional water in the summer.  And all I can say is wow! 

An amazing variety of plants - the depth and breadth of the selection was tremendous - truly something for everyone.  So if you live in the Portland area, look for Xera Plants.  They also sell to Garland's in Corvallis and Gossler's in Eugene, OR.  Look for their plants!  

It was great to be allowed to tour the nursery.  There are about a dozen plastic covered greenhouses with plants of every description.  I ended up buying two flats of plants - sedums - big surprise there!

And echeverias and sempervivums.  But hey, I did "branch out" ha-ha!  I also bought some interesting salvias and fuchsias.

There was no end to the interesting plants!

One of the great things about a bus tour was that it allowed me to stitch away as we drove up and down I-5! 
I made nice progress on "The Heart House".

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