Friday, June 4, 2010


I centered the word "Hope", changed the color of the key, and changed the date (and color) to 2010.  Just three colors - very simple, very serene.

Design - Hope
Designer - Primitivebettys
Fabric - 30 count Natural linen
Fibers - DMC & Anchor
Started - 3 June 2010
Completed - 3 June 2010 

I am looking for Hope and Serenity if anyone has some extra.  1.3" of rain the the past 24 hours.  So much rain in the past few days that all Kidsports soccer and baseball games have been cancelled as the fields are too wet to use.  The law inforcement officials have issued warnings to boaters and swimmers to stay out of the rivers - they are flowing at February levels - fast, muddy, and dangerous!  This morning it is sprinkling and the wind is whipping.  We are promised a nice day tomorrow.  That's where that Hope-thing is needed!


These guys don't seem to mind the wet weather.

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