Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Chicken and Plant Report

Design - Wee Chicken
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 30 count 18th Century Stone R & R linen
Floss - GAST
Started - 15 June 2010
Completed - 22 June 2010

"Wee Chicken" is done, and I like it!  There is a companion piece too - a rooster - so I think that will be on my "To Stitch List" in the near future.

On the gardening front.  Late yesterday afternoon a doe came through the back yard as my sister and I were on the patio.  She worked on what passes for our lawn, and stray sunflower seeds from our bird feeders.  My sister had a flat of tomato plants out on the walkway, and the doe walked right over and grabbed one.  She waltzed off carrying the tomato plant pot and all!  My sister had to run after her shouting and clapping to get her to finally drop it.  Brazen!

I am still waiting for Clear Blue Skies, but the plants continue to grow under cloudy or partially cloudy skies.
The sedums and sempervivums are happy.

Will they bloom?  Maybe.

If the bugs don't get them first!


  1. Visiting from the Garden Party.

    These are lovely! My momma had a ton of these when I was growing up. She's a wedding coordinator now and just directed a wedding last weekend where the bride's bouquet had hen & chicks in it. She said it was breathtaking!

  2. Hens and chicks are very appropriate for your blog (with the title and all) My parents had a couple different varieties of these, I should get some started as well. Tahnks for posting this and reminding me to do so. Stopping by from TGP.

  3. Oh the deer here are something else! We were having a loud baby shower last summer at my aunt's and the deer just walked into the yard to help themselves to apples with no regard to noise or kids running around- man, they can be pests. :-)

    Thanks for sharing the the Tuesday Garden Party!


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