Thursday, June 24, 2010

Another Start - Ready for the Weekend!

I'm off to Portland this afternoon for the 30th reunion of an overseas trip I took whilst attending Lewis and Clark College. Twenty-four students and two staff from the College spent five months in Ireland in the winter / spring of 1979.  The great news is that twenty of the twenty-six group members will attend the reunion.  Tonight we meet at a local Portland Irish pub - Slainte!

As I'm expecting to have a bit of stitching time on my journey up and back, I've kitted up a new chart by JBW designs - thought I'd "do" the alphabet bunny and add the row of cabbages as charted on the far left bunny.  

Stitching and gardening have much in common.  One of the rewards of both is "looking close" and noticing the details - I love the textures of my hebes, and the small blossoms on the baby's tears are a joy.


  1. Wow, I'm finally able to make a comment. I've been following your blog for a little while, but could never leave a comment.

    Sounds like you have a wonderful trip planned for your reunion and that's a great turn out of people..

    Love the bunny you're taking along to stitch!

  2. Yes I finally figured out my comment feature did not work thanks to a follower so I messed with it and got it to work - it's a great pleasure to read comments!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.