Monday, May 17, 2010

What I Did Yesterday

Last night I finished - finally - stitching "Fly by Night".  I don't know why it took my over six weeks to complete this rather basic design, other than I kept setting it aside to work on something else.  I am really pleased with it - a very simple color palette, and "folk" look.  I messed with the date and initials to personalize it.  I think it turned out well.  The linen was very soft and supple, easy to handle. 

Design - Fly By Night
Designer - Crazy Folk
Linen - 28 count Light Exemplar Lakeside linen
Fibers - WDW
Started - 1 April 2010
Completed - 16 May 2010 

The weather forecast yesterday called for rain to move in by the afternoon.  Luckily the storm was delayed for several hours, so after dinner I potted up eighteen fuchsias.  The poor old fuchsias have suffered something fierce from my neglect.  I purchased most of them a couple of weeks ago, and did not water them as frequently as I should.  They've all revived, but two or three are extremely bedraggled.  
I still need to pot up the two hostas in the back right of the photo.  I won the plants last fall, and over-wintered them in their original pots.  Now, they too are looking bedraggled and are in need of some horticultural love and attention!    


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