Sunday, May 2, 2010

Potting Up Plants!

I went to a couple of nurseries yesterday and went a little crazy with spring fever and an over-abundance of enthusiasm.

I came back with six or seven flats of plants...and the cool green finial...and green metal plant hanger - both are on the left of the photo above.

I love sedums and hens and chicks (sempervivum).  Despite the Latin name - live forever -  I lost many, many, many plants this winter when we had a week of temperatures 10F-16F in December.  I think they would have survived in the planted in the ground, but in small pots the roots just got too cold for too long.

Here's what I potted up this morning.  I figure I need to plant out a flat a day for the rest of the week so that I am caught up by next Saturday.  We have two large plant sales right before Mother's Day - lots of vendors come from outside the area so I need to get organized.  What survived the winter weather, what have I already purchased, what do I still "need"?    

Here's your cross stitch reward for reading my gardening post!

Design - Lady Bug Sampler
Designer - Hog River
Fabric - 30 count R & R Dark Cappuccino
Started - 3 September 1998
Completed - 23 September 1998

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